My name is Takashi Amesaka.
I received PhD in Engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, in 2023.
I’m currently a visiting researcher at Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan (LifeStyle Computing).
My research interests are in the areas of wearable computing, acoustic sensing, and hearables.
He is a member of ACM and JIP.
Google Scholar / LinkedIn / ACM / researchmap /
Contact: amesaka[@]
I’d love to collaborate with you on wearable computing, healthcare, sports, and improving physical ability!

- keioテクノモール2024
- Accepted by ACM UIST2024/Best Paper!!
- Accepted by PACM HCI(MobileHCI2024)
- Welcome party for new members
- I participated in a panel discussion at the NEC.
- Three papers were accepted at JIP INTERACTION 2024.
- UbiComp/ISWC2023 @ Cancun, Mexico!
- FIT Research Encouragement Award (co-authored)
- Invited Speaker, FIT2023 Top Conference Session
- IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award 2023
Development of Technology to Utilize Sound Leakage Signals
We are developing interaction and personal authentication systems for hearables.
We focus on the sound leakage of hearables and obtain information on the auricle and hand shape from the echoes of the signal leaking outward.
We use machine learning to recognize hand shapes or identify individuals.
We are exploring the possibility of sound leakage signals.
Click here for security projects.
- Takashi Amesaka, Hiroki Watanabe, Masanori Sugimoto, Yuta Sugiura, and Buntarou Shizuki,
User Authentication Method for Hearables Using Sound Leakage Signals,
In Proceedings of ISWC 2023, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2023. [ACM]
Click here for input projects.
- Shunta Suzuki, Takashi Amesaka, Hiroki Watanabe, Buntarou Shizuki, and Yuta Sugiura,
EarHover: Mid-Air Gesture Recognition for Hearables Using Sound Leakage Signals,
In Proceedings of UIST 2024, 2024. [ACM]

User Understanding in Hearable Operations
We are conducting research on user understanding in hands input for hearables.
Through a Gesture Elicitation Study, we compare the impact of interface constraints and device form factors.
This comprehensive support aims to incrementally advance the interaction design of hearables. More…
- Yukina Sato*, Takashi Amesaka*, Takumi Yamamoto, Hiroki Watanabe, Yuta Sugiura,
Exploring User-Defined Gestures as Input for Hearables and Recognizing of Ear-Level Gestures by IMUs, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) , Vol.8., No. MHCI, Article 258 (Sep. 2024), 23 pages [URL]. *Co-first authorship.

Clothing Gesture Input for Common Clothing
We have developed a method to use common clothing as a touch interface using acoustic sensing.
This wearable device is removable and designed to transform a common clothing item into smart clothing.
By using familiar clothing as a touch interface, a more comfortable and natural input method is achieved. More…
- Takashi Amesaka, Hiroki Watanabe, Masanori Sugimoto, and Buntarou Shizuki. Gesture Recognition Method Using Acoustic Sensing on Usual Garment, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Vol. 6, No. 2, Article 41, 2022. [ACM]

Facial Expression Recognition for Hearables
We have developed a system that recognizes user expressions by utilizing the reverberation characteristics of the ear canal.
The proposed method is expected to be applied to gesture input and expression recognition, contributing to the realization of advanced hearable input such as silent speech interaction.
This system can be implemented with only a speaker and a microphone, effectively utilizing components typically used for music playback or calls.
This has the advantage of reducing implementation costs in hearables, where there are strict limitations on device enclosures. More…
- Takashi Amesaka, Hiroki Watanabe, and Masanori Sugimoto. Facial Expression Recognition Using Ear Canal Transfer Function, In Proceedings of ISWC 2019, London, UK, pp.1-9, 2019. [ACM]

- JSPS Research Fellow (PD), Keio University (2023.4 – )
- Research Fellow, Keio University (2023.5 – )
- JSPS Research Fellow (DC2), University of Tsukuba (2021.4 – 2023.3)
- Ph.D. (Engineering) (2020 – 2023)
Graduate School of Science and Technology
University of Tsukuba (IPLAB)
Advisor: Prof. Buntarou Shizuki
2022 Doctoral Dissertation Recommendation Report - Master of Computer Science (2018 – 2020)
Graduate School of Information Science Technology
Hokkaido University (LIIS)
Advisor: Prof. Masanori Sugimoto - Bachelor of Computer Science in Electronics and Engineering (2013 – 2018)
Hokkaido University (LIIS)
Advisor: Prof. Masanori Sugimoto
Selected Award
- The 37th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’24) Best Paper award
- IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award, IPSJ, 2023 (URL)
- Research Group Director’s Award, Research Group of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba (2023/3/24)
- Meikeikai Award, General Incorporated Association (2023/3/24)
- Best Paper Award (IPSJ SIGUBI 64, 77)
- Best Paper Award/Best Presentation Award (IPSJ DICOMO 2022) More…
Research Grant
Principal Investigator
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows(PD) “Establishing a Micro Gesture Input Method for Healable Devices”(2023.04-2026.03)¥4,680,000
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows(DC2) “Robust Active Acoustic Sensing Method and Its Application to Garment Interface”(2021.04-2023.03)¥1,500,000
- Tateishi Science and Technology Foundation(Research Grant (C)) “Establishment of smart device method for sportswear using acoustic sensing”(2021.04-2023.03)¥1,000,000
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “能動的連続音響計測に基づく身体動作認識” (2024.04-2028.03) ¥18,460,000
Travel Subsidy
- IPSJ, SIGUBI “International Conference Presentation Encouragement Award” (¥200,000 [2022/8])
- IPSJ, SIGUBI “International Conference Presentation Encouragement Award” (¥200,000 [2019/8])
- 展示:ヒアラブルデバイスを快適・安全に利用するテクノロジー, KEIO TECHNO-MALL(2024.12.13) Link
- プレスリリース:イヤホンにタッチせず空中ジェスチャで操作する新手法を開発 (2024.10.11) Link
- Webセミナー:産学で語る ⽿⾳響認証対応ヒアラブルデバイスへの期待(2024.02.07) Link
- Web: “Hand gesture input using earphone “sound leakage” developed by University of Tsukuba and Hokkaido University”. IT Media News / 「イヤフォンの“音漏れ”を利用したハンドジェスチャー入力 筑波大と北海道大が開発」(2023.01.05) Link
Teaching Assistant
- Hokkaido University International Student Tutors
- Hokkaido University, Department of Information Science and Engineering “Information Science and Engineering Experiments I & II (2018, 2019)