Accepted for IEEE TMC!!
The latest enhanced version of the perso… MoreAccepted for IEEE TMC!!
The latest enhanced version of the perso… MoreAccepted for IEEE TMC!!
第25回慶應科学技術展KEIO TECHNO-MALL 2024にヒアラブルデバ… Morekeioテクノモール2024
Our paper on a new hearables control met… MoreAccepted by ACM UIST2024/Best Paper!!
A journal article focusing on user under… MoreAccepted by PACM HCI(MobileHCI2024)
Hearables are highly functional earphone… MoreExploring User-Defined Gestures as Input for Hearables and Recognizing Ear-Level Gestures with IMUs
We propose a novel gesture recognition m… MoreMid-Air Gesture Recognition for Hearables Using Sound Leakage Signals
There was a welcome party for new member… MoreWelcome party for new members
NECのパネルディスカッション「産学で語る 耳音響認証対応ヒアラブルデバイスへの… MoreI participated in a panel discussion at the NEC.
Three papers were accepted at Interactio… MoreThree papers were accepted at JIP INTERACTION 2024.
I attended UbiComp/ISWC2023, an internat… MoreUbiComp/ISWC2023 @ Cancun, Mexico!